We were surprised and pleased to learn that Dr. Amy Nesselrodt, a veterinarian in Pennsylvania, has begun a one year raw feeding trial with her own dogs.
The trial began earlier this year with a transition from kibble to a raw diet. Exam results, including blood tests, were performed at the start of the period. They will be repeated at 6 months later and at the end of the 12 month trial.
The exam results are posted on Dr. Nesselrodt’s blog. Regular updates are also posted, making for fascinating reading during this real-life feeding trial of a raw diet. The trials will be different from those required for AAFCO certification. In our opinion, the standards Dr. Nesselrodt’s has set for her trial are more useful and stringent that what AAFCO requires before giving approval to a food.
For those of us who have been waiting for some real life, scientific backed feeding trials and testing, this could be a wealth of information. We applaud Dr. Nesselrodt for her committment to this project and look forward to following the experiment.
Hi! Thanks for letting folks know about my study! I just saw your web site today. I wanted to let you know my web site moved to: http://dramyrawdogfoodresearch.com/RawDogFoodResearch/Welcome.html
and I have just posted my 12 month results!
Dr Amy
Thanks, Dr Amy-
Looking forward to reading more about the adventure and experiment!