Our preferred approach to battling fleas is quite simple- avoid them.
If you’ve got them, get rid of them as quickly and effectively as possible. We recommend a good quality diet and a flea comb as the first line of defense. As odd as it may sound, fleas are much less likely to be attracted to a healthy pet.
An organic flea shampoo and boric acid based carpet treatment is often remarkably effective in keeping fleas from returning and making a home on a healthy pet.
A flea comb is a simple aid which allows you to monitor flea activity on your pet. It also helps you to spend a few minutes each day with your dog as you use the comb.
Topical, spot on treatments can be effective, but they can also cause unwanted reactions on your pet. We offer BioSpot as an alternative to the more expensive products like Advantage, Frontline, or Program but do not recommend it for continued use. We can normally special order the more expensive alternatives if you’d prefer.
If you’d like to get inside the heaad of a flea to formulate your battle plan, we highly recommend the excellent book by Chip Sammons, Flea Control: A Holistic and Humorous Approach.
- Flea Comb- $6.00
- BiGroom Flea and Tick Shampoo- $9.75
- FleaGo carpet powder- $22.75
- BioSpot- Medium Dog 3 month – $16.75
- BioSpot- Large Dog 3 month – $18.75
- BioSpot- Extra Large Dog 3 month – $23.75
- Flea Control: A Holistic and Humorous Approach (book)- $9.75