For nature lovers, there’s nothing quite like a solitary walk in the woods. In a quiet and pristine setting, a glance in any direction is its own reward as the surrounding symphony constantly changes.
The only thing which can improve this experience is having a faithful 4-footed friend by your side- something that is prohibited on many National Park trails.
It’s difficult to abide by the pet prohibition while watching others ignore it. But after the last few backpacking adventures, it’s become easier to accept. The last thing we’d want is our curious or friendly pooch heading off into the brush to greet an elk or bear!
But there are plenty of trips and trails which welcome pets
Your travels may be as primitive as a backpacking adventure or a spur of the moment road trip. Whichever you enjoy, a new option from The Honest Kitchen is now available to help those of us who regularly feed raw or home-prepared meals.
These un-canny recyclable packages are now available in 3 grain-free formulas: Beef, Chicken, or Turkey. The recyclable packaging resembles the familiar “cup o’ noodles.” This makes for an extremely lightweight and convenient way to replace fresh, raw or canned food during your travels or at home.
Simply lift the lid, add warm water and stir. In less than 5 minutes, you’ve got a full meal for a 20 lb dog ready to eat.
Honest Kitchen cups are an ideal low-cost option for traveling, sharing with a friend or safely packed away in your emergency kit.
Single serve cups make feeding your dog as easy as using your dehydrated camp food
Honest Kitchen cups are made with human grade ingredients, so in a pinch can also do double duty in an emergency kit. If your dog will let you share, that is.
For a limited time, these cups are being packaged with a $5 coupon which can be redeemed when purchasing a 3-10 lb box of any Honest Kitchen formula. That offer essentially pays you to try the cup if you use the coupon on any full size box.
If you’ve been curious about dehydrated food or Honest Kitchen products, this is a great way to get started!
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